Fellow Hungarians,
As the mayor of Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc) I’m asking for your assistance in acquisition of respiratory equipment to treat a corona-virus related illness. The Odorheiu Secuiesc Hospital is attempting to purchase up to ten medical ventilating machines, if new machines are not available we would consider used refurbished machines. All European suppliers we have contacted are restricted by their Governments and have imposed an export ban on all corona disease related medical equipment.
I am asking for your support in finding for the Odorheiu Secuiesc Hospital a source for the ten medical ventilating machines outside the European Union. This is a desired number however, any number of machines less than ten would be acceptable.
The funds are available and if necessary advance payment could be arranged. The ordering entity is a local non-profit organization. We would be willing to organize transport and customs clearance if required.
This is very urgent your help is appreciated.
Árpád Gálfi
Mobil: +40-744-559.893
E-mail (hu): galfi.arpad@udvarhely.ro
E-mail (ro): galfi.arpad@odorhei.ro
Address: 535600 Odorheiu Secuiesc, Piața Primăriei nr. 5, etajul I, biroul nr. 1, Județul Harghita, România
Tel: +40-266-218145 • Fax: +40-266-218032
Email: office@udvarhely.ro • Web: www.udvarhely.ro