Tisztelt Barátaink és Honfitársaink!
Szeretnénk felhívni figyelmüket a tűzkárosultak javára szervezett adománygyűjtési lehetőségre. Az adományozás részleteit az alábbiakban találják.
On behalf of our Hungarian friends in Los Angeles.

Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the devastating fires in Los Angeles County. In times of deep adversity, the strength of our community becomes our greatest asset. Let’s come together and support those impacted through this difficult period!

With this purpose in mind, we created the Disaster Relief Fund for the Los Angeles County fire victims with a special focus on the Hungarian-American community. The Disaster Relief Fund is managed by the Hungarian Heritage Foundation of Southern California, a 501 (c) (3) public charity organization. Donations are tax deductible and can be made in the following ways:

Donations by check:

Please make your check payable to:

ReklámTas J Nadas, Esq

Hungarian Heritage Foundation of Southern California
Memo: Disaster Relief Fund, LA County Fire Victims

Mailing Address:

Hungarian Heritage Foundation of Southern California
26741 Portola Parkway, Ste. 1E 610
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610

Donations by Zelle:

Tel: 949-351-2116

Donations by Bank Transfer:

Wells Fargo Bank
Routing Nr.: 122000247
Account Nr.: 3885165450

Contact information: E-mail: timea@huheritagesocal.com   |   Tel: 949-351-2116
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have.
Timea Antal
President of the Hungarian Heritage Foundation of Southern California
Miklós Pereházy
President of the United Hungarian House of Los Angeles


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